Church Development
St Andrew’s Church has been working on plans to redevelop our buildings and facilities, whilst also modernising our Sunday service to make our gatherings more family friendly. The church has played a key part in the history of Avonmouth and we believe that God is calling us to recreate the church building as a welcoming place for all the community.
During 2015/2016 we held various discussions with the community about our plans, and since that time we’ve been finalising the project details and gaining the necessary planning permissions. Exterior building works started in October 2017, replacing the church roofs, adding a new entrance foyer, drains and toilets. The internal redevelopment work started in April 2018 everything was completed in March 2019. Have a look at the photos below and follow us on facebook for regular updates
Social Justice Hub - "Showing Mercy - Bringing Hope"
One key change in our plans, relates to the Church hall & surrounding land. Rather than selling this land for housing, we are now going to keep it and establish a ‘Social Justice Hub’.
Working closely with the Bristol North West Foodbank, we will be supporting the development of a range of services that increase our engagement with the local community, that complement the provision offered by the Avonmouth Community Centre. In time we hope that the ‘Social Justice Hub’ will be a base for teams that provide legal support, cookery & budgeting courses, white goods & furniture, and more!
For more information about the Social Justice Hub, please visit: www.bristolnorthwestfoodbank.org.uk